The bowling trip rolls back to WMS
THE BOWLING TRIP STRIKES AGAIN; The bowling trio rolls back.
Dec 11, 2017
The bowling trip strikes again! This astonishing team building sport rolls back to WMS for another year, giving the newly arriving sixth graders a chance to make new friends.
Several students enjoyed the trip because they got to hangout with friends who aren’t in their classes. When asked about the behavior of the students, Ms. Burke replied by saying they were “spectacular”, “better than I imagined”.
Bowling may be a new experience for the sixth graders, but it also could be something the sixth grader could look forward to when they go to 7th and then to 8th. Some students even made new friends. A 6th grade student said “I liked the trip because I like to bowl.” Additionally, when Amaan Shiraz was asked if he bowled before, Amaan responded by saying, “this isn’t my first time bowling and I liked the trip because I learned a new way to bowl. Also, I had a chance to hangout with my friends that are in different classes.”

Bowling is not only fun, but also an exceptional team building exercise. It allows people to work together to accomplish a certain task. It also encourages people to get competitive and offers students a chance to hang out with their friends.