Superb students earn Star Students award
Dec 4, 2017
In the month of November, three honored students earned the great award of Star Student. Jinelle Godfrey, Adrian Navedo, and Jason Harrell all earned this spectacular award. They showed the Warrior Way.
Jinelle Godfrey, 7th grader, found an unopened bag of candy and returned it to the office. When asked about who inspired her to do good things, Godfrey kindly answered, “warrior tickets”.
Adrian Navedo, 8th grader, went completely out of his way to help a student who tripped and fell. Navedo stated, “whenever you do something good, you get good things in return.”
Jason Harell, 8th grader, expressed he feels very “amazed” that he achieved the award and that he wants to achieve it again.

Congratulations to the courteous students who earned the award Star Students!