NBA 2k18 Review


Jayden Peña

NBA 2k18 is the new 2k Sports basketball game that follows the series of amazing games that these developers made; the game is its 19th installment. Like the others, this game is amazing and an improvement.

This game introduces a whole new mode called The Neighborhood which is basically an open world mode which makes the game more playable. The game now has more selectable features for your character for example you can go to Foot Locker and get some new kicks or to the barber and get a “fresh” cut.

NBA 2k18 has superb graphics; this game is really doing their best job trying to simulate being in the NBA and they use lively graphics to do so. This game looks like it is an NBA movie the way the game uses next generation graphics. The last game looks like trash when it comes to the graphics point in comparison.

The game has many new additions, but the game is having problems with some of the new features. The game is still under development so it experiences some glitches, but it is still an amazing game. Some of these bugs are the one with the virtual credit (vc) glitching, screen freezing, and problems with player drafting. The game is a high quality game that should play right with all of its systems.

The game runs on PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and on the Nintendo Switch. The game is now introduced on the Nintendo Switch, which is interesting because the game was never on any Nintendo systems before, but now it is. This is a good factor because it proves that the Nintendo Switch is a powerful console that more people should use and make games for.

Nintendo Switch

In the new game you can play with teams from different time periods like the 60s or 70s. You can also play with any players from any teams from any time. Now there is improved player accuracy, so now the players look and feel more like their real life counterparts.

NBA 2k18 overall is an out-of-this-world game that represents future technology. I would give the game a 9 out of 10 rating because it’s an amazing game, but it has its bugs and glitches. The game is available at all places that sell video games and on steam, Xbox store, PlayStation Store, and the Nintendo EShop.