Perspectives on WMS with the new 7th graders
PERSPECTIVES ON WMS WITH THE NEW 7th GRADERS: The new 7th grade students get interviewed on their experiences and perspectives.
New 7th grade students have been welcomed at WMS by the new Welcoming Committee. The interview took place explaining their experiences so far and getting to know them.
“When I first came” was Kyla Tejeiro favorite moment here so far, she said “meeting new friends and not having teachers as strict as they were in Avenel.” Tejeiro likes playing basketball and would like field hockey added as a new sport.
Kayla Ruiz established that “I’m short and Columbian” the distinction between her old School #22, Gifted and Talented and WMS is “This school has no uniforms, like I did before, only four classes and nicer students and teachers.” Ruiz had regard for a “girls soccer and a gymnastics team.”
Kyle Beahm conveyed that he likes “playing football and flag football would be my hobby.” He says his favorite thing about this school is gym and his idea on the policies at WMS like the ticket system “Is okay.” He added on saying why he made his decision to attend this school, “I moved here because of my parents, they wanted me to come.”
Devanny Ruiz is fond of ”Reading, sleeping and eating.” Her consideration towards this school is something she explained precisely, “I didn’t want to come, I was forced to. It’s okay because my old school is nothing like this school.”
“I like the color green and I play soccer” was Brendan Flores’ introduction. He also says “WMS is good because of the raffle.” He is referring to the PBSIS (Positive Behavior System in Schools) raffle that is held weekly in the cafeteria.
Tyler Mjartan explained, “I’m new and I came from Jersey City, I like this school so far and my friends are nice.”
The enthusiasm coming from Savannah Jones about how she got an A in math was respectful, she said “teachers here help you more and explain it better.”