WMS baseball team is ready to throw-out the rest
Brett Lukachyk ,#1, pitching his team to a win.
Oct 24, 2017
The WMS baseball team is back, and ready to strike-out the competition. So far, their record is 4-1 and the wins keep coming. They have won four games straight!
Glen Cantalupo, a 7th grader on the baseball team, who has been playing since he was four years old, says that when he first started playing he “loved it from the start”. Cantalupo says, “I always remembered having my parents by my side.” Cantalupo plays multiple positions, but his favorite is shortstop. He likes this position because he “feels like a leader of the infield”.
When asked about his team’s chances to make the playoffs, Isaiah Allen, an 8th grader on the team says, “I think we are better than every other team.” Other than baseball, Allen plays football. He also likes to go outside and play 2k. Allen plays the outfield. He likes this position because he likes running for the ball.

As the sunsets to begin a new day, The Woodbridge Warriors baseball team is just beginning to rise above the rest.
Mr. Thompson, the head coach, played baseball as a kid. He played pitcher, shortstop, and catcher. He says the biggest strength of his team is their hitting and fielding. Their biggest struggle is learning the importance of playing as a team. After every inning, the team has a quick huddle where they go over the events that happened. “We take it as a time to give our players a chance to calm down, and prepare for the coming inning,” Thompson says. When asked about the playoffs Thompson says, “I like our chances this year.”
Mr. Malmstrom, Mr. Olvesen, and Mr. Murphy all help coach, too. All three said that they love coaching the boys. “It is a great experience and gives me a chance to get to know the kids as students and players, and I get to share my knowledge of the game with them,” Murphy says.
Malmstrom, Olvesen, and Murphy all played baseball when they were younger.

The boys watching their team team on the road to success.
The coaches all had their specific surprises at tryouts this year. Olvesen says, “The first year I coached, we were teaching the boys skill, the basics and understanding of the game. This year, we are coaching talent, people who know the game. They are here to play… and win.”
The three coaches have their ups and downs of coaching. When asked about his favorite part, Malmstrom said that he enjoys watching his students succeed. He also says that baseball is his “favorite game”, so it is fun to be a part of the team. He says “Watching players grow into gentlemen, and knowing I was a part of that, is all I can ask for.”
*UPDATE 10-24-17* The Woodbridge Warriors are in the championship. They play Colonia Middle School, Wednesday at 4:00 at Colonia Middle School!

“WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER” The Woodbridge Warriors baseball team huddle in between innings to get pumped up for the next.