WMS chess club began in January at WMS.
Mr Cianfano explained how he started running chess clubs and explained why chess clubs are important. Cianfano said, “Chess is a very educational game and is proved to improve your intelligence and self esteem”
Mr. Cianfano said that Mr. Lee was the one who was running the club 13 years ago then Mr. Lee was busy in the military then Mr. Cianfano started running the club due to Mr. Lee ‘s absence.
Mr. Cianfano then explained why the chess club is important to students and the community. Mr. Cianfano said that playing chess is a very educational game and it proved to improve your intelligence and also it proved to improve your self esteem and is also very mathematical.
Mr. Cianfano also explained that chess club is a very loved game by the people in it, and chess club is doing very well.
Dublin Finnerty, a student in the chess club said the reason he joined chess club was because “[he] wanted to get better at chess and be able to beat [his] father”. Dublin also mentioned that he was also able to beat his brother in chess and said that he likes chess club because it’s quiet and he also has some of his friends there.