The girl’s volleyball tryouts will take place the week of March 24th. Mrs. Trachetti, the girl’s volleyball team’s coach, discussed how to prepare for the volleyball season.
Traschetti what specific skills she would evaluate at tryouts. She said, “Passing, setting, and hitting mostly. And movement, self-passing, self-setting, hitting drills, and serving.”
Traschetti went on to explain the format of the tryouts. She said, “Tryouts should last about 1hr and 30mins. I plan to take 10-12 girls.”
Traschetti is looking for players who have an open mind. She said, “Just keep practicing, keep an open mind and just try your best. I write notes, look at attitude, and assertiveness, and I have a skills scale with me.”
Aubrey Petruccelli and Isabella Seno shared their points of view as former 7th-grade volleyball players.
Aubrey Pertruccelli shared what she is doing to prepare for tryouts, “I go outside with friends and play volleyball, also conditioning” What drills will you be doing while practicing, She replied “Passing, setting, and serving drills.”
Then, Isabella Seno shared her thoughts for this volleyball season and tryouts. “I think that a lot of our main players from last year that left played outside of school, so I think this year they’re not gonna have that much of a smart playing tragedy, but I think if we practice a lot we will be good.”
Seno also expressed what she is excited about for tryouts. I’m most excited to see if I will make the team and also to pepper and practice passing.” Lastly, Isabella added what she has been doing to prepare. “I have been practicing and doing drills,” she said.