Media is a mass communication platform (TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram etc).
The media can help us make friends and to socialize,meet new people, it can also be used to form status in groups and in the social environment. Because of these social status that happen in school it can cause bullying on social meta.Social status is were other people think that above others because of there social status on social media.
Cyberbullying is sending,posting, or sharing negative things online. This also can be sharing false information about someone,private information,trying to embarrass, humiliate the person.
This is a crime and you can and will get arrested for cyberbullying on social meta.
 Cyberbullying effects that is can cause mental health, low self esteem, depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
Understandinge what we post online has consequences and we can get in big trouble.
This is the truth about social media and how it effects our schools and lives.