Yankees / 97/65
The reason why I think they will get 97/65 is because they just signed two good pitchers. Max fried and we also have some very experienced players
Blue Jays / /68/94
I think that the Toronto blue jays will get 68/94 because the games will not be easy for them while having to go against the Yankees and the Orioles.
Orioles / 82/80
I think the Orioles are gonna do worse because they did lose two good players and they haven’t really been there best in the recent years .
Tampa Bay Rays/ 70/92
They haven’t had the greatest start and there players aren’t all that great and have had a serious downfall.
Boston Red Rox/ 89/73 The red sox have had a downfall in the recent years but i do think they will win more than they lose. Because they Are going against teams who have not been on there greatest role.