Alex Green, an 8th-grade basketball player, was nominated for Warrior of the Week at WMS in December
Green explained what motivated him to be a good student. He said, “Just put it in my head if I don’t do good I can’t play sports.”
Green explained what he did to improve his grades. He said, “Listen to music and just focus.” Green also said he has hobbies outside of school, “I ride my bike and play football.”
Mr Malmstrom, a journalism teacher, explained how Alex Green was an excellent student in his class. He said, “Alex was a very self-motivated individual in class. One of my favorite parts of having him here I never had to chase after him to get any work done. He was always on task and came up with great questions and he loved to interview people and I can always trust him when he is outside to interview people”
” Challenging sometimes is also very rewarding because he does he takes responsibility for his actions. He is very kind and he is respectful some of the time and most of the time now his behavior has gotten a lot better since last year and I enjoy him. He is a lot of fun. I would like to add that I will miss him when he leaves and I hope he writes me an email when he leaves.” That was what was said by Miss Avlia, another WMS teacher.