A lot people might say mental health’s doesn’t matter as much as other things.But did you know many people don’t care on what they say or do to others this can effect a lot of people and they might not know it.I know a lot of us go through a lot but might not tell anyone on how we feel because we think we will get judged on or maybe we just keep it to ourselves which it’s okay but sometimes it’s not some people can hurt them self from the things someone might do or say to them.
Some people can go through depression from things people have done to them.They seem like they are okay but deep down they are hurt and might not find a way to explain how they feel.Some people can have a voice in their heads to do bad thing to themselves which is not okay some people can see that someone is going through something but might not do nothing about it.
A lot of kids and young adult might commit because on what they might be going through which is not good at all.All of us have a future ahead of us and some people can’t live it because they always think negative or won’t have the energy to try and live it.in our school there is people that you can go talk to or cry to if not you can tell a trusted adult or even a friend.its better for you to speak now then to regret in the feature.so yes OUR MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS!!!