Was the real villain Harry Osborne, or was he a victim? There is so much evidence to prove that Harry was the victim throughout. I’ll first start by stating evidence from Spider-Man 1. When the movie begins we meet Harry for the first time when his father drops him off at the museum.
That’s when Mr.Osborne met Peter (Harry’s best friend) and instantly loved Peter like a son even more than he loved his son.
We already know that Peter has a crush on MJ, the first person to make a move on MJ after Flash leaves her is Harry. I know that Harry betrayed Peter, but was it his fault he loved her too and Peter wasn’t going to make the move? When Mr.Osborne meets MJ, he instantly disapproves of her, leaving Harry feeling that he failed to please his father. In one scene Peter sees MJ outside a diner and she tells him she’s dating Harry. Peter is a little shocked, but MJ next says, “Let’s go out for lunch sometime, but don’t tell Harry.” EXCUSE ME MARY JANE WATSON WHAT DID YOU JUST UTTER FROM THAT GREASE TRAP OF YOURS?
Peter eventually steals MJ from him the same way he stole his father’s love. When Mr.Osborne dies Harry is left completely vulnerable and Peter is barely there for him. Harry then finds out that Spiderman killed his father, so naturally, he wants revenge on Spiderman for the murder of his father. This leads Harry to follow in the footsteps of his father and become New Goblin. He makes a deal with Doc. Ock that if he gives him the precious Tritium he needs Otto will bring Spiderman to him. By the end of the film, Harry is baffled to find the boy, his best friend, a person who was like a brother to him is the murderer of his father (Peter is Spiderman).
In Spiderman 3 Harry has yet another betrayal. He knows that Peter is Spiderman and all he wants is to kill Spiderman. While trying to do this Harry gets into an accident and loses his memory. He forgets that he is Goblin and Peter is Spiderman. When Peter starts getting busy with Spiderman stuff and MJ feels “ignored” she turns to Harry who accepts her as a friend. MJ being MJ of course took this as an opportunity to hurt Peter. Harry does end up getting his memory back and does try to fight Peter again and he does end up blackmailing MJ into breaking up with Peter. Does that make him a villain? He just got his memory back and wanted the girl back that Peter stole and wanted revenge for his father.
In Spiderman 3, the final battle between Spiderman, Venom, and Sandman Peter needs help and urges Harry to help him. Finally, Harry does show up and sacrifices himself to save Peter and MJ. Still, this isn’t enough for Peter. Still, Harry is a villain and not a good friend or victim.
In Spiderman: No Way Home there is a scene in the laboratory where all three peters are planning how to destroy the villains from all the multiverses. Ned (Tom Holland Peter Parker’s best friend) asks the other Peters (Andrew and Tobey) if they have Best friends. Both of them exchange looks. We know that in both The Amazing Spiderman movies Harry is the Green Goblin and the villain that ultimately kills Gwen. That isn’t the case in Peter’s universe (Tobey) because his best friend Harry Osborne sacrifices his life for his friends. Still, Peter (Tobey) dares to state that his best friend Harry tried to kill him and died in his arms. Only half of that sentence is true (Harry died in Peters’s arms).