-Fingerprints aren’t always reliable proof , there isn’t an exact way for matching fingerprints, and sometimes it’s very difficult to find the exact match.
-Teeth is the most dependable piece of evidence especially if the person is unrecognizable.
-The Chinese came up with using thumbprints on legal documents instead of signatures. Back then, only the entitled people had education to learn to read and write. This was all before the police started using fingerprints as evidence in a crime scene.
– Forensic science began back in 44 B.C. when Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by Roman senators.
-There are 7 types of Forensic Science Degrees such as: Trace Chemistry, Forensic Toxicology,Latent Prints,Footwear/Tire Tracks, Firearms/ Toolmarks, Drug Chemistry, DNA Indexing, and Forensic Biology.