We all know what frogs look like but have you ever seen a glass frog? It’s not literally a frog made of glass, instead it a frog that’s skin in see-through so you can see its organs. Glass frogs usually live in trees, feed on small incests, and only come out for the mating season.
Research has told us that the reason why glass frogs are so see-through is because during their resting period (which is similar to hibernation) the frog stops its red blood cells from circulation in an attempt to camouflage, which makes its tissues transparent. However, their bodies are primarily lime green, but their underside is see-through.
These frogs are small, about 3- 7.5 centimeters small. Their predators are frog flies, which lay their eggs next to the glass frog so when the frog flies hatch, they feed on the frog eggs. These astonishing frogs are unfortunately labeled as endangered and their population is decreasing.