Some of you know Crismarie Priego as the quiet, relaxed and kind girl who makes friends really easily, but I bet you guys don’t know the whole other side of her. She may look really mild-mannered sometimes but once she is in the zone, she becomes hyped.
What many teachers in WMS don’t know about Crismarie is that she started drawing pretty young in 2nd grade when she was around 7 years old and began doing art and said, “I started drawing when I was very young like in elementary school in 2nd grade.”
Crismarie said that the people that inspired her were “[her] dad and uncle.” She also said that they inspired her because “[her] father and my uncle were artist’s but they didn’t get to spread their career but I most like it because of the time that it takes and all that education.” She says things because she is saying that she wants to accomplish something her dad and uncle couldn’t, that was to share their art.
If art wasn’t something existing Crismarie said, “I’m not really into sports but if I were to do a sport it would be soccer, but I would probably continue my career as a singer.” Which I am going to say that not many of you would have expected that she would play soccer.
Crismarie also said that when she draws or is going to draw, she does what comes to mind, in other words her imagination and ideas, she said, “I just draw whatever comes to mind.” Nothing can stop her from drawing what she wants, it happens to anyone even if you aren’t an artist you just get bored and then boop! New idea, and you find a random spot in a paper and draw that.
Sometimes us artists like using only ONE medium, if you don’t know what medium is in art, then let me tell you. Medium in art is like what are your favorite materials to use for art, example markers, paint, crayons etc. Ok now that you know what that is Crismarie said, “I don’t normally use paint but I feel fine with anything since art is just art so I have like a bunch of materials I use.”
Crismarie thinks that anyone can do art because well art is about imagination and being creative and she feels like no one should be forced. She said, “Anybody can do art if they want to, I wouldn’t force them, art is something you put your mind into and draw whatever you want like just draw shapes and then you get some random ideas of what to draw.”
I believe that Crismarie is very wise because she said this for beginner artists so they don’t give up and said, “take your time, and try to learn more, practice makes perfect as long as you take your time.” I think this is great advice because it helps us know that making mistakes is normal.
Every artist has at least 1 favorite painting or drawing, take Crismarie for example, she has a favorite one and said, “I have this nice drawing in my small sketchbook. It is like a lake with a waterfall, there is a whole bunch of grass and the water is just flowing there.” And Of course they all have a special meaning to you if it is their favorite and Crismarie said that one is her favorite because it reminds her that “Life passes on.”