MATTHEW MILHOMME: Hi I am Matthew Milhomme may I interview you?
MH: You told me you fix computers, why do you like to fix computers?
MS: It’s a fun hobby in my opinion.
MH: When you fix computers what problems do you run into?
MS: Someone tell’s me it has a problem, I find what the problem is and I fix it.
MH: When you fix computers do you ever get frustrated, Do you give up?
MS: No.
MH: Have you ever sold one of your computers that you have made, if you have how much money did you sell it for?
MS: I have sold one, I sold it for $500.
MH: When you’re looking for the parts online is it hard to find them, what parts are they?
MS: If you’re inexperienced then yes it will be difficult to find the parts, But if you are experienced then it won’t be hard because you know what parts to pick.
MH: What is the most important part of the computer, what is the most expensive, most valuable?
MS: The most important part would be the processor because that’s the brain of the computer and the computer won’t really work without them. The most expensive part would be the graphics card because it’s the thing that gives the computer power to play video games and run faster.
MH: Is there anything else you would like to add?
MS: No.
MH: Thank you for your time.