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The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

Moving On


School is many things. stressful, boring, fun, and even useless to some. It’s even considered to be a home to others. 8th graders in WMS are slowly approaching their way toward High School. A whole new experience, and new doors to open. But some will close. It’s hard to experience new things, and even harder to adapt to them. 

In my personal experience, I had to change schools when I moved to Woodbridge. It was weird and awkward to be in a new environment. But slowly, I got accustomed here. I made new friends, became more social, and liked it more than my previous home.  

The question is: how do others feel?

Sarina, A WMS student and 8th grader, stated, “I’m mainly going to miss the friendships I had here, especially with my favorite teachers.” Friendships usually don’t last long beyond school and after you disconnect from one another. It’s hard to realize the person you spend every day with can become so distant easily. 


8th graders also seem to be reminiscing about the memories they’ve made. Hailee, another WMS student stated: “Yeah. I will miss the memories I’ve made here. It feels like I’ve known this place all my life.” The longer you recognize a place as home, the more attached you’ll become. Leaving middle school will not always be the easy step people believe it’ll be. 

High school is also known to be stressful most of the time. The overload of work can be overwhelming.


 Joni, a WMS student stated: “I’m very nervous to be in high school, It’s scary to be a freshman. Mackenzie, another WMS student states: “I’m pretty sure I’m going to be stressed 24/7. I don’t know how much work I’m going to get.”

What’s the plan for the future?


Everyone seemed quite unsure about the path they’d take after. People usually responded with “unsure” or “I haven’t thought that far yet.” Though, this isn’t a bad thing. The future is ever-changing, with many possibilities. You shouldn’t worry about what lies ahead, especially when middle school is just the start. 


The benefit of graduation 


 Being able to move on is an important life skill that you’ll need to rely on. Whether it’s school-related, or not. I believe school is the first step on that journey that will teach you. It’s the first place you’ll get comfortable, as you’ll spend most of your early days there. 


 Biana, an 8th gardener at WMS stated, “I’m pretty nervous for graduation, but also excited. It’s something you can’t pass up.” This excitement seemed to be shared among many others in WMS awaiting graduation.


Experiencing new things can always be good. Paul, an 8th grader from WMS stated, 

“I can’t wait to go to high school for a change. Meeting new people and trying new stuff will be a fun task.” Once you learn to adapt, it’s quite fun.




Ultimately, Graduation can be a good thing or a bad thing. Being ready to give anything a chance can make a person strong.  You might not be as willing at first, but, who knows? Maybe you’ll enjoy it. I pass on my good faith to any future or present 8th graders. 


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