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The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

What is the D.E.I Council ?

Aria R
D.E.I makes our school community more open about cultures.

The D.E.I council strives to help kids feel accepted and find W.M.S a safe place.

Selena is a 6th grade member of the D.E.I council.

Mr. McGuire, advisor of the D.E.I council, explained why the council is important to W.M.S.  He said,  “In a way we represent the whole student body. There are other things we don’t think of at the beginning of meeting other religions that students observe, as well as the different academic ability levels. It’s really important that we have an even playing field and it’s important that students have a voice in helping making those decisions so that we can be better teachers.” 

Students explained how they feel connected to others through the program. Abrego, a 6th grade member said,  “Yes, very much. I would have never met Amy, who is an eighth grader, who is now my best friend.” This shows how D.E.I has helped grow friendships and understandings of others.”

 Mr. McGuire, advisor of the D.E.I council, explained what event he thought was the most important to the D.E.I council. He said,  “ I think the most important event to the D.E.I council was Multicultural night, and we are going to be presenting on May 22nd, the D.E.I showcase at the Woodbridge Community center”

Students explained why they accepted to be in the D.E.I. Abrego responded with, “When I first got accepted in the D.E.I council, I was really excited, and ran to my mom, she told me to accept the opportunity. She told me to accept the opportunity because it would be great for me to experience new things and get started to accept our community”.

Mr McGuire, advisor of the D.E.I explained how he thinks the D.E.I council has improved our school’s community. He said, “I think it’s improved our community by making students feel more welcome. “It’s given an opportunity for students as young as 6th graders to have a leadership opportunity and it’s helped us plan fun events. Sometimes school is stressful and it’s nice to have a distraction from that stress. I’m looking forward to making it more inclusive next year by broadening it to the open to more students”. 

Abrego explained how she felt about the diversity in our school. She said, “The Diversity in our school is really huge, there are many people from different backgrounds. When I first learned there are many people here, it was really eye opening to my eyes to see how different everyone is.”   


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