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The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

2023-24 WMS Boys Volleyball Team

Photo from Creative Commons license
Photo from Creative Commons license

The 2024 WMS boys volleyball team had a journey of a season with many ups and downs in Woodbridge Township.

Raymond Rebovich, one of the boys’ volleyball players said, “I feel like everyone on the team has a lot of potential and has improved but the back row needs a lot of work but for the most part, our team is slowly improving.”

 Dylan Stephens, the captain of the boys’ volleyball team, explained how the teamwe can improve, Stephens said, “I think just getting the 2nd ball to the setter and communicating since we just let a lot of balls fall to the ground some people are scared of the ball which everyone should have the mindset of I want it.”

Ethan Brucato, one of the oldest boy volleyball players for WMS said, “”I think just the passers getting the ball to the setter can help generate a good play for us to win a point and get that momentum. With that momentum, the team will have a chance of winning that set.”

7th grader, Kevin Nova, one of the best setters on the boy’s volleyball team said, “We need to play as a team. Focus on what matters and not try to play for ourselves because we all need to be focused.”

Nova also said, “We are like to 2 seed skillswise now we just have to prove that.”

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