The following is a full transcript of the interview given by Ava Kripaitis to Jonathan Cruz of The Warrior Messenger about being a wrestler.
AVA KRIPAITIS: What made you want to start wrestling?
JONATHAN CRUZ: My brother.
AK: Why?
JC: So basically, I wasn’t really doing much, and I was really lazy and my brother started wrestling. I asked my dad if I could start wrestling next year and he said he’ll sign me up for it.
AK: Is there anyone or anything that has motivated you to keep going with it?
JC: Not really. I just do it for fun and entertainment. I like to manhandle or to be manhandled by someone else. It’s just fun.
AK: What’s your favorite part of wrestling and why?
JC: My favorite part of wrestling is wrestling a different person from another team, like a match because I like to win and be competitive, I usually win. So it’s just fun to get physical with someone.
AK: What goes through your mind while doing a challenging move?
JC: Nothing really. It’s just on the spot. It’s just 1 2 3, and you have to do it. If I mess up you have to retry it or get back to the stands. Just keep trying the move.
AK: Would you ever want to wrestle professionally?
JC: Maybe. I’ve been thinking about that lately. I don’t know I might. My dad wants me to get a scholarship for it so I can go to college for free. Or not but let’s see.
AK: Would you rather win a big championship and never wrestle again or would you rather have a great wrestling career but never win a championship.
JC: That’s a hard question. I think I’d rather win a big championship because wrestling can be very dangerous, my brother when he was in a tournament he tore his shoulder.
AK: I read on Elite Wrestlers that wrestlers need to have a lot of endurance. What do you do to have a good amount to be competitive?
JC: You have to practice a lot, a lot of cardio. You have to actually put the work in. Don’t do half of your workout, try to workout at home. Do cardio at home,practice, and actually try. That’s basically it.
AK: What do you find most difficult in your wrestling career right now?
JC: Most difficult thing is to keep your weight. I wrestle for 130, so if I’m 132 I have to cut down to 130 so I can wrestle. Sometimes they have a 2 pound allowance. So say I’m 130 they allow me to be 132. But yeah, I think cutting weight is the hardest.
AK: If you could give future wrestlers a piece of advice, what would you tell them and why?
JC: Try hard cause it’s going to be worth it at the end and you’ll start making progress, your body will start changing. You move faster, your body will keep up with what you’re doing.
AK: Thank you.