The following is a full transcription of the interview given by Stephanie Rebovich to Brianna T and Genesis W of The Warrior Messenger about Cheer.
BRIANNA T: Okay, so what team do you cheer for?
STEPHANIE R: The Woodbridge Broncos.
BT: Okay.
BT: What is your favorite stunt to do?
SR: I don’t know.
BT: Okay.
BT: So, what do you do? Are you a base, flier, or spotter?
SR: I’m a backspotter.
BT: Okay.
BT: Do you go to any competitions?
SR: I don’t do competitions yet, but I’m doing it this year.
BT: How long have you been cheering?
SR: 4 years.
BT: What got you into cheering?
SR: I don’t know, I just have always liked it.
BT: Have you ever gotten a bad injury from cheering?
SR: No.
BT: Are you afraid of being dropped or dropping someone else during a stunt?
SR: Yeah.
GENESIS W: What was your greatest challenge in cheer?
SR: Going out during halftime at the football game in front of everybody.
GW: How do you feel after losing, and seeing the other team happy?
SR: I mean like, upset but I am also happy for them.
GW: What is the name of your favorite cheer?
SR: Energy.
GW: Where do you practice?
SR: At parks.
GW: What do you wear?
SR: A skirt and a top.
BT: What colors are they?
SR: Blue and white.
GW: Why do you like to cheer?
SR: It’s fun, and I like throwing people in the air.
GW: Are there any negatives to cheering?
SR: You could hurt someone and you could get hurt.
GW: Is there anything else you wanna add?
SR: No.
BT: How do you spell your first name?
SR: S-T-E-P-H-A-N-I-E.
BT: And how do you spell your last name?
SR: R-E-B-O-V-I-C-H.
BT: Thank you for your time.
SR: You’re welcome.