The following is a full transcript of the interview given by David Isabella to Kevin Gonzalez of The Warrior Messenger about band class
Kevin Gonzalez:.When did you learn to play the instrument?
David Isabella: I learned how to play the instrument on March 29 2023.
KG: What instrument can you play?
DI: I can play piano, guitar, and drums
KG: Who inspired you to join band class?
DI: My mom had inspired me to join band class
KG: Where are you going to have your next concert?
DI: Well, I am not sure where I am going to have my next concert
KG: Is there anything else that you want to add?
DI: No
KG: Thank you for your time
The following is a full transcript of the interview given by Mrs. Maneri to Jaziel Disla of The Warrior Messenger about band class
Jaziel Disla: When are you going to have your next concert?
Mrs Maneri: Our concert is on December 6, 2023.
JD: Where did you first start?
MM: I started to play my instrument in 4th grade.
JD: Where did you start to teach band?
MM: This is my first band work.
JD: What made you want to be a band teacher?
MM: My middle school teacher inspired me to be a band teacher.
JD: Is there anything else you would like to add?
MM: No