Students prepare for picture day
PICTURE DAY TORTURE: 8th grader, Mikey Reyes, expresses his emotion for picture day through his facial expression.
Oct 18, 2022
Picture day was held on Thursday, October 13 in the WMS auditorium. Students wore their best outfits, but also expressed their displeasure.
A constant question surrounding the day was, should the school change the time students take their pictures throughout the day? Veronica Diaz, an 8th grader, said, “We should change it from the middle of the 2nd block to first block so everyone can get it over with.”
Beron Barrino, an 8th grader, also agrees with Veronica Diaz, an 8th grader, thinking the school should take the picture 1st block to get it out the way.
It also makes some people very uncomfortable with having a picture that they dislike on the yearbook to everyone who buys it, which is usually a lot of people.
A quote from Joshua Ojeda, an 8th grader, “People are very insecure about how they look because they’re trying their best to look good for the picture in front of everyone.”
A question that floats around is if there is any way the school could change something about picture day to make kids feel more secure and comfortable?
Breon Barrino said that he thinks that “if you let the kids pose they’ll feel better.”
Joshua Ojeda, an 8th grader, also agrees with letting them pose and also he thinks if “they ask the kid if they want their picture on the yearbook or not” then the student would be happier.