WMS congratulates the teachers of the month of October

Our WMS teachers holding up certifiacte of glory.

Three stupendous  teachers from each grade, Mrs.Duffy,Mrs.Rackett,and Ms.Benkert won teacher of the month for October as voted by the students.

Mrs.Duffy won for 6th grade.  She likes to read mystery and crime novel books. During the holidays she works at a Christmas store making decorations. When Mrs.Duffy was a kid she wanted to be a talk show host or a teacher.  Mrs.Duffy said the hardest part of becoming a teacher for language arts is “writing a 20 page thesis.”

Mrs.Rackett works with Mrs.Steinberg and Mr.Lee by focusing on working with students one-on-one. Mrs. Rackett says the best thing about being a teacher who helps around many classes is “going to each grade level and working with a different teacher.” If she were able to start a club, she would start a cooking club, baking all kinds of treats. A quotation that she lives by is from the movie Steel Magnolias, “I would rather have thirty of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.”

Ms.Benkert won for eighth grade.  She is a band teacher and teaches all grades.  Her favorite music pieces that are performed by the band  are “Let it Snow” and the John Cena theme song. Ms. Benkert feels that she won because she likes to think  is a fun teacher.” Ms. Benkert also says the best thing about the being a band teacher is “watching the students improve on their instruments, especially when the students practice.” All the teachers that won are well deserved for teacher of the month and are wonderful people.