What if the Berlin Blockade started WW3?

Jan 12, 2022
The point of divergence is that the Soviets shoot down the planes that carry in the food because that is an act of war. The Soviets flood into Western Europe. What we know as West Germany falls in 5 weeks. Finland is ignored because they already tried and were humiliated. The Korean war happens earlier because Communism and Capitalism are at war. The USSR takes Belgium and the Netherlands to get to France.
As you can see, the USSR goes through Austria to get to Italy and Turkey to get to Greece. Yugoslavia gets invaded once it becomes enemies with the Soviets. The US eventually gets to Europe and slows the advance of the Red Army. Eventually, the Soviets collapsed under their own weight.
Now the US is going to focus on N. Korea and China. The USA invaded from the south and re-establishes the Republic of Korea (S. Korea) because the US was too busy in Europe. China gets involved and makes this war a stalemate. The Cold War is China vs USA and Europe.