Modern Dance History
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Mar 4, 2021
Modern dance developed in the United States, and Europe in the late 19th century. Modern dance was pioneered by Isadora Duncan.
Modern dance is so much different than other styles. Modern dance is very unique and it has lots of history. Modern was mostly danced by Africans. The music the African culture uses is very close to how modern music is nowadays, also when they danced it was considered modern.
It has very funky moves to it but you just really have to let everything go. Modern is mostly about control because the moves you learn take practice of getting right, if you don’t hold your core then you will fall out of the movement you’re doing.
Since back then modern has grown into something bigger now, it is a way more common dance style and more people enjoy watching it. It’s very entertaining mostly because of the music and the movements. For dancers that dance modern they have to feel the music, it does take a long time to become one with the music but after a while you’ll start to feel the difference.
There is this thing called improvisation. Improvisation in dance means to do whatever dance style or really do whatever moves you want. It is the opposite of choreography. Choreography is when your given moves to do. Improvisation has to be one of the best ways in dance that you can express your feelings. Just dancing at a party and do any type of movement is improvisation.