Pet of the week: Meet Rosey

Lexi Morales


Lexi Morales, Author

Rosey is a rescue dog that we adopted 4 years ago. Rosey is a papillon and chihuahua mix. Unlike most dogs, Rosey does not like playing with toys. When we adopted her she was one week, pregnant and we were not informed. Seven weeks later I was home sick from school and Rosey walked weakly to her bed. I told my grandmother and a few minutes after we went back she was giving birth to puppies! Rosey had 6 puppies and every morning before school I would wake up and play with them. I wanted to keep all of them, but of course, we couldn’t. We made sure to give them all to good homes and now they are all grown up. We did keep one, but eventually had to give him away also. Rosey is now 5 and I always see pictures of all her pups.

PUPPY PARADISE: Here are Rosey’s puppies (Lexi Morales)