7th Grade Students of the Month show leadership

7th grade Student of the month posing for our first pep rally of WMS

Alex Canela, Isabella Rosano, and Jake Vazquez were awarded for being Student of the Month on September 30th in the auditorium at the first WMS Pep Rally.

The faculty plays a large role in the selection process, Ms. Torella, the school counselor, sends an email out to all teachers to nominate a student in their class to be student of the month based on “behavior, attitude, and participation.”

    Alex Canela, Isabella Rosano and Jake Vazquez expressed what they felt about being students of the Month.  

Canela commented about him being “shocked” when he got called. Canela has different inspirations about his future; he looks up to his mother as a hard- working and loving person. Basketball is his hobby outside of school and math is his talent inside school, also he had mentioned,“I’ve changed a lot since the 6th grade.”

Jake Vazquez didn’t hear his name at first, but he was happy. Vazquez always tries his best to do well and be a classmate, teammate, or maintain a good friendship. He plays a lot of sports: Golf, Soccer, Baseball and Street hockey,  but his “main goal is education.”

Isabella Rosano was thrilled to be called. She commented,“being called for student of the month is interesting because it’s an award for good behavior.” Being enthusiastic gets her positivity, good grades, and even helped her to make the softball team.

These students do a great job inspiring other students to be the next student of the month and are now leaders at WMS.